Hello. I'm finally done with all my finals and schoolwork. Now it's time to go hunting for a job and spend time with my family. So, next semester I'm going to be a room leader. It'll be both fun and hard. I'm wondering if I should make a list of things I want to do this summer or not. I usually don't get everything done on the lists I make. Hm, maybe read 30 books could be one of the goals. Vacuuming my room would be another goal. It hasn't been vacuumed in nearly two years (gross, yeah). I know my room doesn't get vacuumed when I'm not there, and I don't remember ever vacuuming it last summer, and then there was last school year, so it must be nearly two years since that room was vacuumed (shhhhh, don't tell Mom). Maybe drawing a few pictures could be on my list. Writing an epic novel. Haha, there I go, making a list. A movie list would be good too, though I highly doubt I'll be able to see any of them, considering that my movie tastes differ greatly from those of other people at home (who in their right mind wouldn't appreciate documentaries?).
Summer Goals (so far)
1. read 50 books (at least 30 have to be new reads)
2. vacuum my room thoroughly
3. work on that story I wrote in highschool
4. draw a few pictures
5. keep my fish alive
6. get a job
List of movies I want to see over the summer (old and new movies)
1. Planet 51
2. All the Doctor Who episodes
3. Thr3e
4. Expelled
5. Get Smart movie
6. The Count of Monte Cristo
7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
8. Duma
9. The Man in the Iron Mask
10. The Time Machine
11. Wall-E
12. 10,000 B.C.
13. Redwall
14. Spaceballs
15. The Last Unicorn
16. The Dark Knight
Pretty picture: