Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Anno Domino 2010, May 26 Wednesday

Hello all. I'm currently staying with one of my brothers and his family, along with two of my sisters. We're helping my brother and his wife to move. You may be wondering why I keep listing the movies I've watched and the books I've been reading. It's not just to bore you with every little entertainment I enjoy. It's because I need to remember the things I've watched and books I've read for a project my next semester RA has asked all the room leaders to do. And I'm too lazy to write these things down where they belong right away, so I put them here.

Sweeney Todd
The Little Mermaid

Dog in the Dungeon by Ben M. Baglio
Dinotopia: The Hatchling by (I can't remember)
Dinotopia: Sabertooth Mountain by (I can't remember)
Sable Quean by Brian Jacques

Pretty picture for today for thee:

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