So, today I went to church, came back to the dorms, ate a donut, worked on my lesson plan and a powerpoint for another class, went to church again, and wrote this blog entry.
In Sunday School, Mr. Bales (I think that's how his name is spelled), continued his series from the book of James from chapter 2. He talked to us about how James taught that your faith is shown by your works (not that you are saved by works, but that without good works, it's as though your faith doesn't exist). James starts the passage by talking about how the believers were treating the rich better than the poor, and then delves into how their actions were making them look like unbelievers. In church, we had a guest speaker, a Dr. Bauder who teaches at some seminary (the name escapes me right now, and I don't have my bulletin to look it up). And...I can't remember what he preached about this morning. I do remember what he preached about tonight though. He preached about faith vs. faith, just having intellectual faith versus having true faith. He used the last half of John chapter 8 to show how Jesus defined faith, real faith. In this passage, the people were claiming that they loved God and that they were God's people because they were descendants of Abraham. Jesus, however, was arguing that their actions made them children of the devil, and not children of Abraham, let alone children of God.
You can listen to Dr. Bauder's sermon here:
Let me know if the link is broken.
I finished my two weeks overdue powerpoint project. I'm glad that Miss Stratford gives us extensions without greatly damaging our grades. But I deserve the late points anyway, because part of my reason for turning it in late was procrastination. The other part of my reasoning for the lateness was that I had trouble finding the information.
Anyway, I had a hard time deciding whether to give you one of my drawings, one of the pretty pictures, or one of the Calvin and Hobbes comics I've collected. I decided on the pretty thing. You can click on it to make it bigger.